On June 20, 1920, Americus Troop 1 (the second reincarnation of what is now Troop 21) left for a trip of two weeks duration to attend an unofficial general Boy Scout encampment at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. The encampment was sponsored by the Methodist Church, but had a great deal of scout particpation and programing as can be read about below.
The trip was lead by Reverend Silas Johnson, a Methodist Minister and Scoutmaster, who was also an instructor for the encampment. George Walker went on the trip to assist Reverend Johnson. The trip was made by truck rather than train so that side trips could be made for sight seeing. The fourteen scouts who went were: John Sheffield, Carl Humber, George Ellis, Sam Lott, Benjamin McMath, Walter Stapleton, Sr., G. W. Harris, Charles Glover, Edwin Gammage, Robert Buchanan, Walter Reeves, James Furlow, and Minor Walker. The entire group returned safe after a great trip on July 3. Since the photo contains more that sixteen people, it must have scouts from other groups. Seated barefoot to the extreme center is Walter Stapleton, Sr., and in the center foreground is Charles Glover.
Same photograph with faces enlarged.
Same photograph in its original paper frame. (smaller than actual size)
(Photo is the property of Walter Stapleton, Jr. Used here by permission)
June 20, 1920
July 4, 1920
Click here for the Program Brochure
(Most articles are from the Americus Times-Recorder. Used with permission.) |