Douglas Morris and Billy Barron

December 4, 1956


         In contacting alumni for the 100th Anniversary, I was informed that Billy Barron, brother of Hutton Barron (Troop 21 Eagle Scout #28), was also an Eagle Scout from Troop 21.  Research showed that he is listed in the BSA records as a Troop 21 Eagle Scout from October 1956.   The BSA records show Billy Barron as follows:


Scout Number               Name        Cncl            Date              Troop                 Town

BSA# 108901729      Billy Barron    097      10/8/1956        Troop 21          Americus GA


         This is the same date as Douglas Morris (Troop 21 Eagle Scout #34).  A further review of the Americus Times-Recorder on microfilm found the article showing both Morris and Barron receiving their Eagle Rank in early December, 1956.  Therefore, Billy Barron was added as Troop 21 Eagle Scout #34(b) and a notation was made on the Eagle Scout plaque #198 that it was being skipped due to his being added.


Articles are from the Americus Times-Recorder and

are used here with the permission of the Americus Times-Recorder